The 12 Days of AI was a series of asynchronous activities and discussion prompts designed to help you consider potential use cases and ethics of AI, explore a range of AI tools, and connect with other participants.   

Whether you’re curious about how AI works and its relevance in creative education or you’ve already experimented with AI and want to dive deeper into its possibilities and limitations, then the 12 Days of AI is for you.   

The 12 Days of AI is created and facilitated by a team of colleagues across University of the Arts London. 

When did the 12 Days of AI happen? 

27 November – 12 December 2024  

Can I still take part?

The teams space is now closed for new signups, content and comments, however you are still able to review the channels for reflection if you signed up during the 27 November – 12 December 2024.

If you didn’t get a chance to sign up, you can still access the activities directly on this site. The activities will not be removed and can instead be used for an exploration and reflective practice.

How do I access the activities? 

You can access the activities in Daily Activities.

What if I don’t have time every day? 

Your interaction is entirely self-directed and asynchronous. You can start at any time on your own time after the activity is posted. Whether it’s the same day, or you choose to do several activities in one day.  

These activities are designed as short micro-introductions to tools and topics. This may take you approximately 20 minutes, but as it’s asynchronous it may take you less or more time depending on your preferred pace of working. 

Do I have to create accounts to participate? 

There may be tools suggested that require you to create accounts to experiment. We have provided several options where possible for you to engage with a tool of your choice. You may want to use a secondary email address for creating accounts.

Does UAL offer certification for completion of this course? 

No, UAL does not offer any certification or award for this asynchronous course. It is purely for exploring tools, discussing with peers and skill building. 

Can I reuse the 12 days of AI? 

The 12 Days of AI is available under a Creative Commons License (CC BY NC SA) so it’s free to take, use and adapt for non-commercial purposes, if you acknowledge the source and share your version under the same licence.

Who can I contact for help? 

You can email us:

Who is the 12 Days of AI team?

We are a team of colleagues from across University of the Arts London interested in using AI in art and design higher education.